AOL | Fatalities with semitrucks are way up on American highways. Don’t let them get bigger | Opinion

“The summer automobile travel season is kicking off just as new federal data shows that deadly crashes involving big trucks have surged.

New findings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show annual fatalities resulting from crashes with large trucks have climbed 50.5% between 2012 and 2022 – 3,944 deaths in 2012 and 5,936 in 2022. A total of 52,252 people across the nation died in collisions with big trucks during that time. NHTSA data compiled for 2022 is the most recent.

The national trend tracks with big increases in states as geographically diverse as Missouri, where deadly crashes with large trucks rose by 58.7% between 2012 and 2022; Alabama, up 45% during the same time period, with California up 67%, Texas up 41% and Georgia up 73%.”

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