At Tuesday night’s public meeting, council members unanimously voted to send a letter to local state legislators that outlines the borough’s opposition to any proposals that would increase truck weight limits. The letter was signed by Borough Council President Paul Ruane and Mayor Daniel Berard and encourages the state legislators to oppose the proposals with them.
“In our borough limits, we see movements of big tractor-trailers coming through on Route 11 (Water and Front Streets) and State Route 147 (Duke Street),” Ruane and Berard said. “Even though these are state-owned roads, many residents live on these streets and a number of local businesses are located on the south side of State Route 147 (Duke Street). At the overpass entering the borough, there is very large slope, and big trucks have been known to have brake failures on this slope, which is dangerous situation for cars behind them. We believe heavier payloads would only make this situation worse.”